How many times have you reached a proverbial fork in the road where you have a choice to make that will have significant impacts on your life? When faced with a tough decision there are numerous factors to consider. Questions like:
“How much will my livelihood be impacted?”
“Will my choice lead to greater happiness in the long run?”
“Is staying on the familiar path the safer choice?”
“Do I have the strength to face the challenges of going down a new path at this point in my life?”
None of these are easy questions to answer.
One of the brilliant benefits of regular yoga practice that includes meditation is you have a greater capacity to make tough decisions. As your mind embraces stillness it is better equipped to make decisions that point you in the right direction, ones that align with your highest fortune. Absent this capacity, decisions are often made by a muddled mind that is being pushed and pulled in all directions. The outcomes of those decisions often leave you spinning on the hamster wheel of life, feeling that you are never really advancing in significant ways.
I’ve introduced a number of meditation-focused practices to the membership site that when done with consistency will advance your capacity to make move life-affirming decisions. Check them out by becoming a member.
One of my life’s biggest decisions came about in my mid-twenties. I was working in a lower-level government job that shifted from part-time to full-time hours. My manager was giving me opportunities to learn more and potentially position me for a management position. At the same time, I was debating returning to university to hopefully find a better footing for my future. It was at a first time reading by a psychic that he pointed to a choice in my future. In two years I’d be in a position where I could choose the safe path of the familiar, government job and all its trappings, or boldly venture down a new path with lots of uncertainty that would lead me to an entirely different life. Upon being accepted to my chosen university program I opted for the uncertain path and never looked back.
I find myself yet again facing a fork in my path. This time it relates to my life’s work of the last 15 years, studying yoga with my teacher. As mentioned in last week’s email, my beloved teacher, Rod Stryker, reached out to students informing us of an ethical breach, one that has devastated his family (he’s since divorced) and has sent ripples through the ParaYoga community. He pursued a new young female student and after months of correspondence ended up sleeping with her at one of the trainings she attended.
At first blush, one may think this is a critical error in judgement that surely warrants forgiveness. I was wading in the forgiveness waters until a friend forwarded me the open letter made public by Rod’s accuser. After reading through the lengthy and detailed letter I had to pause and take a few moments to digest it. The woman detailed in great clarity how months of communication between the two lead to the ultimate breach of ethics.
I’ve learned from a fellow ParaYogi that my teacher mispresented the situation to her when he reached out perhaps as an act of contrition. He stated that involvement with this woman never included physical contact. We now know this is a lie.
It’s heartbreaking to learn that a man who is such an exceptional teacher, who shares the life-transforming teachings in such a clear and elegant way, a man who touched my heart deeper and more profoundly than anyone before is a liar and a predator. It hurts to actually put those words on paper. But there they are.
So, here I find myself at a fork. Clearly, the decision to leave ParaYoga is not a difficult one. I will miss all the beautiful colleagues and fellow seekers I’ve met over the years. I will miss the powerful trainings Rod has a gift of delivering. I will miss the connection to a system of yoga that is by far the best in North America.
I can no longer sit at Rod’s feet as a devoted student knowing what I now know. This fork in the road has been imposed upon me. I will act.
I will continue my journey in the tradition of yoga. I know and trust the integrity of the teachings. My practice will deepen and become richer. I will serve the teachings. What I teach will continue to inspire and uplift students.
I will do my utmost to be a teacher of authenticity whose ethics are unimpeachable.
I will be launching courses on my platform in the coming months and years that will facilitate your evolution. I look forward to working with you as we grow together.
If you have any questions about my choice do not hesitate to reach out. If you would like to share a story about a challenging decision you’ve been faced with, let me know.
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