As the summer winds down, it is time to transition into fall. You may be preparing your kids for their new school year, you may be returning to work after a well-deserved summer break, or maybe you’re starting a new project. The shortening of the days and the changing weather signal what's ahead.
Fall has always been my favourite season. I enjoy the shifting of gears from summer to fall and the focus that it brings. I find the cooling temperatures provide grounding energy that contrasts with the expansive fiery energy of summer.
The cool winds dry the plants and vegetation. You feel these effects as well. You shift to warmer clothing to stay cozy and warm earthy foods, like soups and stews to feel content. The body needs the warmth and the grounding aspects of these foods to counter the airy dryness of your environment.
This is a time when your practices shift as well. Your fall yoga focus might include more intentional grounding, more stability and strengthening, and less movement. Anchoring the mind is important too. Scheduling more time for meditation and yoga nidra will be a welcome addition to your routine.
Fall may also be a good time for immersing yourself in study and deepening your connection to a subject of interest. For yoga lovers, my 4-week Living Yoga Course is a great dive into exploring yoga in ways you may not have considered. It includes both theory and practices for on and off the mat. You get lifetime access to the content. Check it out!
For me, this fall introduces one of life’s milestones. I’ll be retiring from a job that I’ve held for over 24 years. I probably should have moved on a while ago, but the golden handcuffs were real. My passion to teach yoga full-time has always been strong but it was tempered by my rational mind liking the idea of a steady pay cheque, benefits and a pension.
But alas the time is here. As I enter the next stage of my professional life I get to explore what all my years of study, practice, teaching and coaching have led me to, a full-time career doing what I love. No, I’m not the type to retire early to golf and take up hobbies. I have a lot more I want to achieve. I’m a pitta-head after all!
Some of the richest yoga work I’ve done over the years is coaching students. This includes instructing them on how to use techniques from the yoga and Ayurveda traditions to address specific issues, introduce new tools when appropriate and keep them on their path.
What I’ve learned from my journey is that most of us work best when we are held to account and even challenged by a teacher, mentor or coach. It’s all too easy to be complacent. But in so doing, life passes us by.
This next stage in my career includes a greater focus on coaching. Yes, I’ll still be teaching classes here in Victoria - at the Y and with Victoria Men’s Yoga - but wellness coaching is the next natural progression in my journey as a teacher and healer.
I’m blessed to be working with my mentor Kathryn Templeton and finishing my 3WT (Three Wisdom Tradition) Wellness Coaching certification. My studies with Raja Choudhury are initiating me into a number of new and exciting tantra techniques. And I’m doing advanced pranamaya training - it’s all about the breath after all! These are all woven into my coaching practice.
I feel incredibly blessed to be at this point in my life. I’m living in one of the most beautiful places in this country, I am doing exceptional personal development work and I am challenging myself in ways that foster my growth and expansion.
My intention is to serve the teachings that have benefited me and share them with others. Their power to transform lives is unequivocal. These teachings are needed now as we move through messy and challenging times.
Together, we can change this world, but we MUST work on changing ourselves first. This starts with breaking down the walls of duality within as the first step. I’ll help you with that!
Join me in this journey, won’t you? It’s coming soon!
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