Wellness Coaching - Coming Soon

As the summer winds down, it is time to transition into fall. You may be preparing your kids for their new school year,  you may be returning to work after a well-deserved summer break, or...

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Yoga, Healing and a Gift!

As you move through the lazy days of summer and slow down the pace of your busy life, it can be a great time for reflection. When you reflect on what is and has been you may recognize patterns of...

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Choosing with Your Heart is Never Wrong

I was watching a wonderful documentary series this week that featured individuals who have achieved success by following their passions and living according to their principles. By honouring their...

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Sacred Sounds

How familiar are you with the importance of sound as part of your yoga journey? I would hazard a guess that most of you don’t have a lot of experience with sound as part of your yoga...

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Self-care is Part of Yoga

I’m just back from an overdue massage and boy do I feel great. While I was on the table it became clear that this good topic to write about. To me, the act of yoga is one of self-care, but in...

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The Power of Homecomings

If you’ve lived away from family I’m sure you’ve had experiences with homecomings. Coming home to family and your roots can be filled with a multiplicity of thoughts, memories and...

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Doubt Happens

Have you ever had the experience of being held back? It’s like a force within that keeps you from progressing forward. The force’s heaviness weighs you down and keeps you from exploring...

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Getting to the Heart of Matters

People come to yoga for all sorts of reasons. Some want to feel more fit, some are seeking community, some want to connect with their body, some have conditions that no other therapy has helped,...

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Yoga, A Living Tradition


Understanding yoga as a living tradition can be perplexing and enthralling - being able to plug into a tradition to keep it thriving.

What does yoga as a living tradition mean?  

A living...

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Yoga and Healing: Getting to the Root of the Matter


The root centre is an important part of our physiology and energy body. When you start yoga, whether from a physical, spiritual or well-being perspective, you at some point recognize it as a...

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