Navigating the Midlife Maze

Embarking on the journey of midlife can be both thrilling and challenging, marked by a series of questions that echo through the minds of many men navigating this transformative phase. Let's...

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5 Strategies for Aging with Energy and Wisdom

aging energy strategies wisdom Jan 15, 2023

Aging is an interesting process. We can resist it, deny it, or ignore it but it will win. Our energy levels - among many other things - get affected. While we can’t stop aging we can choose...

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When Life Presents Struggles

Life is an interesting journey, don’t you think? We live and grow through many stages. There are many ups and downs and lots of in-betweens. There are struggles and successes. When challenges...

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Getting to the Heart of Matters

People come to yoga for all sorts of reasons. Some want to feel more fit, some are seeking community, some want to connect with their body, some have conditions that no other therapy has helped,...

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