Cultivating Present Moment Awareness

There are a number of questions we may find ourselves asking at certain points in our life: 

Why do I feel discontent?

Why does my life feel hollow?

What is the meaning of all this anyway?


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Do You Seize the Moment?

When life presents opportunities there are effectively only two choices to make, to act or not to act. When presented with an opportunity your discerning faculties kick in. Those with greater...

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What Role Does Faith Play In Your Life?

When you hear the word "faith" what does it conjure up for you? In my previous life, I equated faith with religion and had a negative view of it as being for the weak of mind, those who couldn't...

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Moving Into Positivity


If you are someone who finds yourself often stuck in a negative mindset - being critical and judgemental - this can be a heavy place. You can make changes. You can use yoga as a  vehicle for...

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Yoga Off the Mat, What It Can Mean


What is the notion of "yoga off the mat"?  It can have different meanings, some more superficial than others. For me, it means learning about myself on the mat - and taking those learnings...

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Patience - A Yogic Virtue

clarity patience practice yoga Feb 20, 2020

Patience. It’s a quality that is in limited supply for many of you. The practices of yoga can serve to increase your ability to find and rest in patience. There is a tremendous amount of...

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