Yoga, Healing and a Gift!

As you move through the lazy days of summer and slow down the pace of your busy life, it can be a great time for reflection. When you reflect on what is and has been you may recognize patterns of...

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Introducing the Living Yoga Course

Do you ever feel the need to press pause and regroup? It happens to the best of us and can be a smart thing to do. Over the last month, I stepped back from writing to focus on a few projects. One...

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When Difficulties Strike, Gratitude Serves Us

As the horrific images of the devastation of Ukrain by Russian shelling and bombs and those fleeing the massacre grace our screens, it is a reminder to be grateful. The challenges most of us face...

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Wake Up!

With the new year underway and the omicron variant of Covid wreaking havoc on communities, I’ve noticed a certain amount of reflection occurring. I think reflection is important. It should be...

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What Role Does Faith Play In Your Life?

When you hear the word "faith" what does it conjure up for you? In my previous life, I equated faith with religion and had a negative view of it as being for the weak of mind, those who couldn't...

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Are You a Student of Yoga?

Are you a student of yoga? I’m intrigued by the response to this question in the same way you may respond to “what is yoga?”.  I often ask what is yoga to get students...

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Yoga, A Living Tradition


Understanding yoga as a living tradition can be perplexing and enthralling - being able to plug into a tradition to keep it thriving.

What does yoga as a living tradition mean?  

A living...

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Stability and Yoga


Often the focus in modern yoga is on flexibility. From my point of view, stability is a more important part of the yoga journey. You can practice in such a way to bring more stability into your...

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Yoga and Spirit


The definition of Yoga

You often hear the definition of yoga as the union of body, mind and spirit.  How connected are you to these three aspects?

Through your physical practice, attending...

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Choosing Change or Contentment


When your life brings about uncertainty you have choices. You can choose to make changes or find yourself in a place of contentment.

When things aren't going right - relationship, home, work, job,...

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