Avoidance May Bring Comfort But It's Short Lived

In a coaching call this week the coach used her skills to help a participant identify a behaviour they were not aware of. Avoidance. You may have behaviours like avoidance that are deep-seated...

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Breaking Patterns

Life is a series of patterns many of which are helpful and others can hold us back, or worse have destructive consequences. Living a conscious life involves being aware of patterns and taking steps...

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Expectations and Disappointments

How do you feel about your experience with expectations? What have you learned about expectations over the years? One of the things that we all have in common is being disappointed due to...

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We Are Creatures of Habit

The other day a friend shared with me a quote from someone she really admires, the gist of which was not to take things personally and he used the example of having to deal with difficult people....

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