2020-The Act of Letting Go


You can use the events of 2020 to practice letting go. 

Letting go is a big part of the yoga tradition; you need to leave things in the past so you can grow and evolve. 

2020 was a year...

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2020 Year End Message

yogiloren Jan 11, 2021

YogiLoren shares some final thoughts as 2020 comes to an end. 

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Thanksgiving 2020 Message


I'd like to share my thoughts on this Thanksgiving 2020 Weekend.

First of all, thank you for being part of this journey I'm on. Together, we can make great strides in these changing times.


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September Check-in


It's been a while since my last vlog. I really needed to take some time away to reflect on the challenges Covid-19 brought to my life.  Losing my yoga space to a pandemic was not something I...

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What Are You Manifesting In Your Life?

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2020

In this Vlog, I explore manifesting our realities. 

You do manifest your reality. Some things in your life are going well, yet others may need to change. 

How and what you think and do...

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Letting Go

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2020

YogiLoren reflects on what we can learn from the Covid-19 pandemic when it comes to letting go. 

The yoga tradition teaches in the Yoga Sutras the concepts of abhyasa and vairagya -...

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The Sweetness of Silence

Uncategorized May 28, 2020

Check out my ideas of silence and stillness. 

While both of these are essential to your spiritual evolution, they are anathema to modern lifestyles. 

We've forgotten how to experience...

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Five Steps to Pandemic Recovery

Uncategorized May 21, 2020

In this vlog I share my thoughts on the ongoing pandemic reality and propose 5 steps to keeping well as we move towards reopening the economy.  The 5 steps are:

  1. A diet that aligns with your...
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4 Pandemic Yogic Practices

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2020

Four Practices to Get Through the Coronavirus from a Yogic Point of View

As a yoga professional there are a number of tools I can recommend to help us adjust to the current pandemic reality. We may...

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Patience - A Yogic Virtue

clarity patience practice yoga Feb 20, 2020

Patience. It’s a quality that is in limited supply for many of you. The practices of yoga can serve to increase your ability to find and rest in patience. There is a tremendous amount of...

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