How Are You at Slowing Down?

There is something compelling about slowing down. That may be stating the obvious but it seems to slow down is a challenge for most of us. When we slow down we can appreciate the moment, find peace...

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Your Well-being

Finding a sense of ease and comfort in our lives is something many of us seek but struggle with. We need this for an overall sense of well-being. For some, there are many competing demands that get...

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Breaking Patterns

Life is a series of patterns many of which are helpful and others can hold us back, or worse have destructive consequences. Living a conscious life involves being aware of patterns and taking steps...

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Wellness Coaching - Coming Soon

As the summer winds down, it is time to transition into fall. You may be preparing your kids for their new school year,  you may be returning to work after a well-deserved summer break, or...

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Yoga, Healing and a Gift!

As you move through the lazy days of summer and slow down the pace of your busy life, it can be a great time for reflection. When you reflect on what is and has been you may recognize patterns of...

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Introducing the Living Yoga Course

Do you ever feel the need to press pause and regroup? It happens to the best of us and can be a smart thing to do. Over the last month, I stepped back from writing to focus on a few projects. One...

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We Are Living in Troubled Times

The last few weeks have been challenging times. Those of us on a spiritual quest can find it hard to live in this world at times. The journey through darkness is however part of connecting to the...

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From Awkward to Awesome

It’s been over two years since I started offering online classes due to COVID-19. I actually had stopped teaching regular classes for a couple of years prior to the pandemic but when it hit...

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Finding Your Way

For many, daily regimes and routines provide a solid foundation for your life. Following a predictable and familiar path gives a sense of stability and comfort. From a yoga point of view, I’m...

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The Next Chapter


When you reflect on big shifts in your life and the new chapters they present how do you feel? I guess it really depends on the catalyst for the change. Changes that are unexpected and...

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