The Power of Homecomings

If you’ve lived away from family I’m sure you’ve had experiences with homecomings. Coming home to family and your roots can be filled with a multiplicity of thoughts, memories and...

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Your Wants Versus Your Needs

Do you ever pause to consider your wants and needs? This is not a topic I would have considered prior to my yoga studies. Rod, my second teacher, was really clear about this in the sequencing...

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Connection to Tribe

We are in a period of abundant evidence of tribal connection and tribal thinking. The political tribes are operating in high gear during the federal election campaign. And related to that the...

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Doubt Happens

Have you ever had the experience of being held back? It’s like a force within that keeps you from progressing forward. The force’s heaviness weighs you down and keeps you from exploring...

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A Fork in the Road of Life

How many times have you reached a proverbial fork in the road where you have a choice to make that will have significant impacts on your life? When faced with a tough decision there are numerous...

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Ethics and Yoga

A topic that was front and center for me this summer is ethics. It’s not necessarily a topic most of us have to consider on a daily basis, but when ethics issues confront us, they can be very...

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Feeling Content?

I don’t know about you but being content can seem like an elusive dream sometimes. When experiencing contentment there is a quiet joy in its presence. Life feels easy. Your daily burdens are...

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Doing the Unexpected

Recently, I did something I haven’t done in 15 years. I cycled up to Gatineau Park. Years ago, when I was new to Ottawa, this was something I’d do at least a few times every summer. If...

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The Sap of Life

I hope you’re having a brilliant day. Mine has been great. I’m just back from a walk.  

Daily walks are one of the things I’ve started as a result of COVID-19. I take...

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Kali Yuga, from Darkness to Light

When you look around at what’s happening globally on a number of fronts, you might ask yourself what the heck is going on?

 We are in the midst of record-setting heatwaves and...

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