Getting to the Heart of Matters

People come to yoga for all sorts of reasons. Some want to feel more fit, some are seeking community, some want to connect with their body, some have conditions that no other therapy has helped,...

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Finding Inspiration

Do you ever find yourself reflecting on where you are at in your life and thinking, wow, I need to shift things up?! It seems you can move along somnolently in life and before you know it years...

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I’ve been reflecting a lot on attachments lately. It is interesting how you grow attached to the things and ideas that shape your reality. Of course, much of this is unconscious and rarely...

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Creativity - the Juice of Life


The teachings of Ayurveda and yoga say that creativity is an important pillar in a balanced life. In the purushartha, ancient teachings that identify the four desires of life, kama is one of the...

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Yoga, A Living Tradition


Understanding yoga as a living tradition can be perplexing and enthralling - being able to plug into a tradition to keep it thriving.

What does yoga as a living tradition mean?  

A living...

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Yoga and Healing: Getting to the Root of the Matter


The root centre is an important part of our physiology and energy body. When you start yoga, whether from a physical, spiritual or well-being perspective, you at some point recognize it as a...

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Stability and Yoga


Often the focus in modern yoga is on flexibility. From my point of view, stability is a more important part of the yoga journey. You can practice in such a way to bring more stability into your...

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Yoga and Spirit


The definition of Yoga

You often hear the definition of yoga as the union of body, mind and spirit.  How connected are you to these three aspects?

Through your physical practice, attending...

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Moving Into Positivity


If you are someone who finds yourself often stuck in a negative mindset - being critical and judgemental - this can be a heavy place. You can make changes. You can use yoga as a  vehicle for...

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Choosing Change or Contentment


When your life brings about uncertainty you have choices. You can choose to make changes or find yourself in a place of contentment.

When things aren't going right - relationship, home, work, job,...

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